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Infinite Mission

The families of Sofisa and Phillips formed a mutual business relationship after Thembela Sofisa and Andrew Phillips took to a road trip through the Eastern Cape for a mutual client in 2013. Nearing the end of the road trip, they stood on a hill in Joza Location overlooking Grahamstown and Rhodes University. We asked each other a simple question: who inspires you and what would you do here to create a legacy? On hearing each other’s responses, Sofisa Phillips was born.

Our philosophy is inspired by the great leader Nelson Mandela who sought to “create a nation of equals, to make a difference, for to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others for life”.

Irrespective of where we operate globally, our premise is always to selflessly serve towards the achievement of well-being in all. We refer to this as our Infinite Mission.

Accountable. Trusted. Respected.